English For Society

EDSA (English Department Student Association) conducted an activity, called as English for Society (EFS). EFS is an annual program aimed at helping the society, especially those who live in the countryside. They gave free course for elementary school students, and taught at school around the village. This year, EFS was held in Kalipare. They lived there for five days. They started they day with a ceremony in campus and then departed to Kalipare by minibus and some motorcycles. Arriving there, they had a meeting with Perangkat Desa Kalipare. It was because they had to ask permission to people in Kalipare. On the next day, they started teaching at SDN 04 Arjowilangun and SDN 02 Arjowilangun, SMK Islam and SMP Islam Kalipare. On the last day, they conducted a farewell party. They asked SMK students made a speech in two languages, read a poem for junior high school students, and performed fashion show for elementary students. Hope to come to other wonderful places next year! (Riza)

Teaching Kids
